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CSEdGrad Pathways Surveys

In January of 2021, we surveyed 51 current CSEd graduate students and 27 faculty advisors to understand the motivations, experiences, challenges, and needs of graduate students and faculty advisors in CSEd at three key timepoints of CSEd Pathway - entry, progression, exit


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What we've learned

  • Most respondents (55%) have prior work experience at a college or university, 45% percent have experience in industry, and another 27% in K-12 education.


  • Most graduate students (94%) had either formal or informal teaching experiences.

    • Roughly even numbers of respondents reported teaching experience as a postsecondary TA (31%) or at the pre-K-12 level (29%).

Teaching Experience Prior to PhD Graph
Work Experience in CSEd prior to PhD Graph

Motivations for pursuing CSEd Research

In summary, the most influences for students entering the CSEd research pathway are prior experience with education (teaching and learning) and research. They believe that pursuing this qualification can be beneficial for them, especially in having a social impact in their communities.

Career Pathways

Students are concerning how they progress through the CSEd pathway. One of the main challenges is the CSEd as a new field, and some students even further explain that they are the pioneers of this qualification in their institutions. 


​Some students reported that their advisors lack CSEd information that can guide them in their research.  Furthermore, they reported that CSEd opportunities like career paths are lacking, which they need when they exit the formal academic pathway. Students also feel that CSEd is still weakly defined, and their institutions lack courses that support this qualification.

  • Neither graduate students nor faculty feel knowledgeable about the current job market for the CSEd field.

    • 58% of graduate students don't get support from their institutions.

Do you feel knowledgeable about the current job market for CSEd_.png
Are there supports available at your institution to prepare you for jobs outside of higher education Graph
  • 67% of graduate students need support in career and professional development.

I Seek Support in…. Graph
Graduate Students Challenges in Developing Career Pathways Graph

How provide support?

To get support, students and advisors have expressed that they need mentorship when answering several questions. They especially need mentorship in guiding the students in their academic and career paths. 


Students appreciate the efforts that the CSEd organizations (conferences) are making as they expressed that they want continued support in participating in these conferences. They have expressed that these organizations offer an opportunity for them to network with the CSEd community. It appears that when students cannot get support from their advisors or institutions; the CSEd community presents an alternative support structure.

Graduate Students Responses Graph
Advisors Responses Graph
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